A couple of updates on the project!
The Amp:
When I initially decided on the AX84, I wanted to save little cash by collecting all of the parts separately. After about a week of reading, searching, and phone calls with a couple of professionals, I decided to buy the kit for convenience. Much thanks to Robert Hull of TubeDepot.com for spending half an hour on the phone with me discussing this project. He advised I buy the kit for my first build considering I may not know all of the factors to buy the exact parts the design demands.
The kit arrived today and I couldn't be more excited! Have a look:
I am working on preparing the drill plan for the chassis today. Hopefully, I can get the holes drilled within the next couple of days. I need to get the amp operational by the end of the week. Muse's song "Our Time is Running Out" keeps coming to mind...
The Mod:
Well I've been scratching my head over this one all summer. I'm no electronics designer so getting this Arduino-controlled filter idea off the ground is coming slow. About a week ago I posted a thread on AllAboutCircuits.com to get some advice on implementing this idea. The users their offered some great advice and helped me eliminate a few ideas I had. Here's the link to that thread. http://forum.allaboutcircuits.com/showthread.php?t=87333
My professor emailed me this website as a starting point for this design: http://graffiti.virgin.net/ljmayes.mal/comp/vcr.htm
An FET can operate in one of two regions. Either the Ohmic region (pentode) or the saturation region (triode). While I understand the difference between the regions, I'm not sure why or how pentode/triode correlate with them. At the time of writing I came across another great resource:
I might discus the contents of this publication in future post.
Well, I need to get those drill plans together. More than likely the frequency of posts will increase now that I have the kit.